You can use the following contact forms to add a live TV channel.
TV Channel Name (required)
Source Website (required)
m3u8 or iframe link (required). (The extension of the connection should be "https", that is, "ssl certificate")
Logo Link (required)
In which categories does the TV channel broadcast? (required)
General (Other)NewsMusicMovieSportEducationDocumentaryEntertainmentKidsGame ChannelHealthJob CraftsRecipesAgricultureFashionShoppingReligiousWeather Forecast
Which country does the TV channel broadcast from?(required)
Smart signs if available. (Smart Signals are an informative classification system for the content of television broadcasts. This system is designed to assist television broadcasters, parents and the general public in fulfilling their responsibility to protect children and young people from the potential harmful effects of television broadcasts.)
General audience7 Years and older8 Years and older9 Years and older10 Years and older11 Years and older12 Years and older13 Years and older14 Years and older15 Years and older16 Years and older17 Years and older18 Years and older19 Years and older20 Years and older21 Years and olderNegative behaviorViolence and fearSexuality
Brief information about the TV channel (required) (You can write in your own language.)
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)